I absolutely needed to read this today! Thank you for your metaphor of the race and the reminder to pace. Cheers to making our process sustainable for us, particularly if the culture of our school or workplace pushes for [unnecessary] urgency.

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I'm reading this one a month later from when you published it, and am so grateful it sat in my inbox unread until now. The timing is perfect as I return from a vacation with my family. Thank you (once again!) for your helpful wisdom, Loleen.

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This is really lovely and helpful, thanks! I made my plan for the summer (teaching finished a few weeks ago in the UK) in a weird notion database which is useful but also weights everything the same. Submit an article r&r is the same % impact as submitting an expense claim. But my goal is not to finish 100% of the list, but 80% of it.

This month, I’m finishing a long but not intellectually taxing report and chipping away at all the low hanging fruit. And then one writing project a month for June, July, August, which feels doable given the stages they are at and family commitments.

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