Quick heads up that I'm about to share this as a featured resource in the weekly newsletter I distribute for the University of Wyoming Science Communication Initiative! (I found your take on efficiency one of the most realistic and actionable I've ever seen. 🤗) You can find more about that WySCI newsletter here: https://www.uwyo.edu/wysci/programs-and-resources/newsletter.html

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Thanks so much, Bethann, for your kind words and for sharing this with your audience!

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I love this! I’m moving institutions so I’ll have less teaching but a decent chunk of new teaching (which I’ll only teach this term, so it doesn’t make sense to make an extensive investment). Things that help - use calendly to let students book in for office hours so I’m not tied to my office, having 1 day for lecture prep (usually a day I’m already teaching) to keep it from expanding.

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Restricting teaching prep to one day is such an effective strategy. I hope your new prep goes well, Coree!

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Thank you for this ☺️ Your article came at the right time to help me remember there are some things within my control to help manage my schedule and my health🙏

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I am so glad to hear this, Hailey!

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32 minutes! And I am feeling much less panicky since late-June Nicole did so much planning and decision-making that today-Nicole forgot had happened.

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Yay for late-June Nicole!!!

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